What is diversity?
The concept of diversity describes the diversity of people across diffferent personal characteristics, particularly those protected by the General Act on Equal Treatment (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - AGG) age, disability, ethnic background, gender, belief and religion, sexual orientation as well as further attributes such as social background, chronical illness and family status.
These personal characteristics may induce social discrimination or privilege. As a result, the personal circumstances, opportunities and challenges of individual people are often affected by where they are positioned across all of these dimensions.
Diversity and equal opportunities at HU
In contrast to policies aimed at specific personal characteristics out of this spectrum, diversity management incorporates all of these dimensions equally and in their intersections. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has the aim of safeguarding that all students, staff and faculty are provided with the study and work conditions that meet their individuals needs and interests.
One important step towards this goal is dismantling existing barriers and discrimination. This goal is anchored as a central mission in the consitution of the university and is implemented through instruments such as the president's guideline Treating each other with respect and counselling services for different target groups. Via these means, the university aims to ensure equal opportunities for all on campus and to create a culture of appreciation and respect for the diversity of its members in all circumstances of life.
Growing stronger together
Wherever different people come together, an opportunity of mutual gain and exchange is created. Universities produce influential knowledge and shape social processes. As such, it is important that they reflect the complete range of social realities and perspectives in their structure. Diversity thus benefits the quality of scientific work - as a competition of ideas.
On the following pages, we will inform you in further detail about the legal foundations, offices, measures and counselling services that make up the diversity-oriented equal opportunities efforts at HU.
Further HU resources
Interview with the central women's respresentative: Diversity and anti-discrimination as a matter of course in everyday university life [English]
Chair on Diversity and Social Conflict [English]
BIM study on Discrimination Experiences in Germany [German]